Posted to twitter earlier:
Though totally expected, sad that voters' trending came true. Adam Lambert, who is his own music, is too good for the general pop market
I wrote yesterday about Adam Lambert possibly being out-voted in the finals because voting trends read that for every contestant that leaves, votes of those who are left increase dramatically save for Adam's which seemed to stay consistently high enough to keep him through each week comfortably.
Voters for All-American pop molds Matt Giraud and Danny Gokey definitely went to Kris Allen.
This is the only American Idol season I watched quite regularly and I am glad I followed it somewhat.
The best part for me about the finale is the collection of iconic guests who were obviously inspired by the presence of Adam Lambert: Carlos Santana, Kiss, Rod Stewart and Queen.
It is tribute enough to Adam's artistry that the last segment was with Queen, whose song Bohemian Rhapsody Adam sang for his audition. How overwhelming it is to witness how Adam Lambert came full circle, musically, in four months.
I wonder what the next seasons will be like without him.